To improve water quality in the Ko'olaupoko area watershed, Hui o Ko'olaupoko and O'ahu Resource Conservation & Development Council are hosting a series of community outreach sessions to engage stakeholders and community partners in preliminary research and fact-finding. This information will be used to update the Ko'olaupoko Watershed Restoration Action Strategy (KWRAS) to reflect the needs of Ko'olaupoko communities.
The KWRAS document was produced to provide guidance on education, monitoring, and implementation activities to improve water quality in the Ko’olaupoko area watersheds. Since the publication of the original KWRAS in 2007, there have been numerous changes in the Ko’olaupoko district that necessitate an update of the plan to most accurately reflect and address current needs of the Ko'olaupoko communities and watersheds. The primary goal of the upcoming virtual outreach meetings will be to present the information and community needs that have been identified to date. These meetings will also explore ways in which key stakeholders can utilize an updated KWRAS and solicit ideas for how the update could be structured to best serve the needs of the communities. Meetings will be hosted on Zoom (meetings can also be joined via phone) and will utilize a variety of facilitation tools and techniques to capture data and interactive feedback from participants. Please register for the regional meeting most appropriate to your area of residence or primary work. For more information and to register, visit
September 2022
Our MissionThe mission of Hui o Ko`olaupoko is to protect ocean health by restoring the `aina: mauka to makai. This is done in partnership with stakeholders including interested citizens, non-governmental organizations, government, educational institutions and businesses while using and focusing on sound ecological principles, community input, and cultural heritage. Categories