Are you tired of having to cut your lawn all the time? Stop thinking that your lawn needs to look like a perfectly maintained putting green. Let it grow long! Let it grow natural!
There are many benefits to letting your grass grow longer! >>> For a healthy, low maintenance lawn, the optimum mowing height for most grasses is between 3 to 4 inches. - Healthier – Longer grass has more surface area to take in more sunlight - Well Established –Taller grass encourages deeper roots, which help keep the grass healthy - Pest Resistance – When grass is dense and vigorous, it is able to better compete with most pests. - Use Less Water – Longer grass shades the soil, keeping it cool and helping it retain moisture, which means less watering is required - Heat Resistance – Grass is more heat resistant the taller it grows Other things to remember... Leave Your Leaves – after mowing your lawn, leave the extra grass clippings on the lawn. Grass clippings are a natural fertilizer that recycles the nutrients back into the soil. Doing this will allow you to fertilize less often and contrary to what many believe, leaving grass clippings does not cause thatch! Keep your lawnmower blades sharp – Dull blades tear the grass instead of cutting it, which stresses out the grass and increases moisture loss, which makes the grass less healthy. >>> So if you were thinking about mowing your lawn this weekend, instead you should put off your mowing chores till later, let your grass grow a little longer and go enjoy your weekend!
September 2022
Our MissionThe mission of Hui o Ko`olaupoko is to protect ocean health by restoring the `aina: mauka to makai. This is done in partnership with stakeholders including interested citizens, non-governmental organizations, government, educational institutions and businesses while using and focusing on sound ecological principles, community input, and cultural heritage. Categories